Vitamins For Ulcer

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Vitamins For Ulcer


In the past people suffering from peptic ulcers were restricted from taking small amount of bland food and milk regularly. Researches however showed that this in no way helps in decreasing the recurrence of ulcers. However, a diet rich of fibers may minimize the chances of developing ulcers, and will help in fast healing of the existing ones. In particular, fiber found in fruits, vegetables are very protective, and with vitamin contained in most of these foods, the benefits are increased.

There are some evidences that show that exercise helps in reducing the risk of ulcers in some people. In a study in 2000, it was found that although exercise is helpful for men but it has null effect on ulcer development in women. Stress relief programs are not known to have an impact on ulcer healing. However, they have other health benefits that are useful.

Treat Ulcer with Vitamin A

When it comes to ulcers, the main role of Vitamin A is to protect the lining of the stomach so that the sore, if in case it developed already, won’t get worse. Vitamin A also allows for the speedy healing of the affected areas of the small intestines. Patients suffering from peptic ulcer are advised to take foods rich in Vitamin A and dietary fiber such as fruits and vegetables.

Doctors would normally recommend peptic ulcer patients an initial dosage of 25,000 IU of Vitamin A daily for an entire week. Then the dosage is reduced to just 10,000 IU everyday for maintenance. However, pregnant women or those who want to get pregnant are advised not to take more than 5,000 IU of Vitamin A daily.

Vitamin C can help Ulcer

Vitamin C works favorably for the patients of peptic ulcer because it directly inhibits the growth the very bacteria that cause the disease. Also, if the H. pylori bacteria were abundant, it would directly impair the body’s absorption of Vitamin C. When this happens, the patient has higher risks of developing stomach cancers from the condition that merely started as peptic ulcer.

The normal dosage of Vitamin C for peptic ulcer patients is 1,000 mg taken twice a day. Because Vitamin C could induce diarrhea, the dosage can also be taken in a buffered form.

A hormone found in the brain that has a role in sleep is known as Melatonin. Researchers have found that the hormone might have properties that will help in preventing ulcers along with reduction in acid secretion and an improvement in blood flow. Until now, it is not known if it will benefit people with peptic ulcers but it might well do so. However, high doses of Melatonin have adverse affects like mental impairment, severe headache and nightmares.

In the past anti acids were the drugs that were preferred for ulcers but now it has been replaced with proton pump inhibitors. There are natural alternatives that work really well to heal ulcer and can be used with other prescribed drugs. Researchers claim Deglycrrhizinated licorice {DGL) as a good complement to the therapeutic measures recommended by your health care professional. DGL works positively by addressing the underlying factors causing ulcers rather than trying to hide the symptoms. DGL works by promoting the natural defense mechanism that is already present in our body to fight against ulcers. Other drugs that are also beneficial in curing ulcer carry some side effects along with them but DGL has no side effect.

Therefore, although there is no sure cure for ulcers but choices available for getting rid of it are many and a proper treatment will see you through. The patient must consult the doctor for proper treatment and correct guidance. If the patient reaches at the early stage, ulcers can be easily cured with fewer complications.

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