Tag - Garden

Design and Create a Trendy Outdoor Garden Patio

[ad_1] Some people just love the outdoors, the beauty of a still starlit night sky, the warm breeze of a summer's day, the tingly chill of a fresh autumn morning. If you are one of these...

Recessed and Step Garden Lights

[ad_1] The choice of garden lighting is huge these days, with new products coming out every week that promise to bigger and better than the last. However, all of them serve the same function; they just...

Garden Lamp Posts, Aluminium or Cast Iron?

[ad_1] Over the past 15 years, trends have evolved and there has been a surge in the demand for garden lamp posts, which replicate the traditional Victorian styles first manufactured in the late 1800's. As a...

Solar Butterfly Garden Lights

[ad_1] When considering what kind of solar garden lights to buy, many people look for ones that are shaped like insects, and garden birds. Solar butterfly garden lights are, as the name suggests, design to look...

Garden Equipment – FAQs

[ad_1] A lot depends here upon the type of equipment you are speaking about. For a start, anything that is electrically powered should be thoroughly checked out by someone...

Garden Decor Ideas That You Cannot Get Enough Of

[ad_1] With most of us living in concrete jungles, having a garden in your home can be considered nothing short of lucky! From a small flowerbed to a large lush green space, there is a lot...

Light Requirements For The Home Garden

[ad_1] Leaves must have LightLeaves are the plants' food factories, and light is the power that helps them manufacture food from elements of air and soil. Most plants need many hours of sunshine daily in order...