Tag - Comprehension

Learn How to Increase Your Reading Speed and Comprehension Will Follow

[ad_1] When people learn how to increase reading speed they will be able to read through books, emails, articles and magazines quicker. However, is there a correlation between speed and comprehension? Does retention increase as speed...

Speed Reading Tactics – Comprehension and the Myth of Expanding the Size of Eye Span and Word Groups

[ad_1] As you begin to research and select an approach to developing your speed reading skills, you will inevitably find continuous references to the fact that untrained readers need to expand the number of words that...

Reading Comprehension Worksheets – How Should It Be Patterned?

[ad_1] Reading comprehension worksheets should be patterned moderately. That is to say, it should not be so hard to understand neither should it be so easy to solve. Some publishers make their worksheets easy for students...