How to Make Your Penis Bigger Without Using Pills – Make Your Penis Fatter Safely

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How to Make Your Penis Bigger Without Using Pills – Make Your Penis Fatter Safely


How to make your penis bigger without using pills is the desire of most men who are not happy with the present size of their all-important member. You can make your penis grow fatter and bigger safely if you are willing to invest 6 minutes every day. Nowadays, people do face lift and tummy tucking using plastic surgery and you are already tempted to use surgery or even pills to try to enlarge your penis. My advice to you today is doing it will cause you severe damage to your dick and your overall health.

You can make your penis bigger without using pills through natural penis enlargement or lengthening exercises. These penis lengthening exercises involves first doing a simple warm up exercise on your dick, followed by the penis enlargement exercises and finally rounding it up by cooling down.

An exercise to enlarge the penis is the only known natural and safe way to increase the size of a man’s penis. The only reason why most men fail to achieve their desired size is lack of focus and the determination to make it happen. You must first measure your initial size and then give yourself a goal of increasing it by 3 inches in 10 weeks time. This way you can measure your progress and see improvement which will spur you to achieve the penis size you set out for yourself.

You can safely make your penis bigger without pills by training your penis to allow more blood to flow into it just by using your hands in a particular manner. This is the best way to make your penis fatter and bigger without harmful pills which can affect your overall health.

One technique that will surely help to make your penis bigger without using pills is the jelq penis enlargement exercise. This technique involves doing a rhythmic, slow outward pulling movement on your penis. This will allow more blood to flow into and through your entire penis.

There are a number of variations of the jelq technique. The jelq technique was said to have started over 5,000 years ago when adolescent males in both Arab and African cultures were shown the right way to improve their sexual prowess through a series of exercises. Nonetheless, if you can perform this one penis enlargement exercise on a daily basis, you will be able to make your penis grow fatter because of the increased flow of blood to and through the entire penis.

I am ready to help you avoid the perilous pitfalls of penis enlargement that most honest men fall into such as harmful pills, incorrect application of jelqing, pumps, weights and surgery.

Did you know that 86% of women prefer to sleep with a man with a large penis? The jelq technique uses only the hands and you will be doing it 6 minutes daily. You will not be required to use any penis enlargement device or enlargement pills, and when you learn how to do it correctly you will also end up improving your erection time and prolonging your lovemaking abilities.

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