Gynecomastia Pills: Gynexin Vs Gynemax Vs Gynexerol

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Gynecomastia Pills: Gynexin Vs Gynemax Vs Gynexerol


Gynecomastia, also called “moobs” or “man boobs” by some people, is a condition where a man’s breast or breasts become enlarged. Contrary to popular belief, this is actually caused by overgrowth of the breast tissue, and not by fatty tissues.

Gynecomastia affects millions of people around the world, and it does not target a specific age group. You could be 13 or 30 years old and have gynecomastia. In most cases, this condition can be left untreated and it goes away on its own. In some cases though, medical intervention is needed in order to treat it.

There are numerous ways of treating gynecomastia, with surgery; radiation therapy and pill treatment among it. In this article though, we would be focusing on the three most popular pills used to treat breast enlargement in men.


Gynexin is an herbal supplement especially designed for targeting the fatty tissues in men’s mammary glands. The company making this pill claims that taking it for six months will dramatically reduce the breasts’ size, with the earliest results noticeable within six weeks.

Gynexin is supposed to be taken three times a day, after each meal. It should also be taken with a lot of water. The main ingredients used for Gynexin includes Chromium Picolinate and Theobromine Cacao.

Just like with other medications, several side effects due to taking Gynexin have been reported as well. Stomach irritability, increased heart rate and dryness of the mouth are among the top side effects reported.


Gynexerol works in two ways. First, it targets hormonal imbalance by increasing male hormones and then decreasing the female hormones which causes the breast enlargement. It then reduces the enlarged mammary glands around the breast which helps the patient have smaller boobs in no time.

In order to be effective, Gynexerol needs to be taken twice daily, half an hour before each meal. It also needs to be taken with at least 8oz or more of water.

The company manufacturing this medication says there are no negative side effects at all. The only side effect patients reported is losing weight around the torso, which helps them get a slimmer body – and they like it.


Gynemax is one of the most popular gynecomastia pill used for treating this condition. Its ingredients include cayenne, green tea extracts and chromium picolinate which are energy boosters used for increasing the rate of nutrients delivered to pectoral limbs. It also has Slimaluma and Caralluma Fimbriata to act as appetite-suppressants seeing that obesity is the main cause of Gynecomastia in some cases.

For effective results, Gynemax needs to be taken three times daily – one capsule after each meal. It’s also not wise to take the pill with tea or coffee which has caffeine – water will suffice.

Some patients report side effects after taking Gynemax which includes dizzy spells, sleeplessness and headaches. Manufacturer says this is due to the pills’ powerful stimulants. People with pre-existing medical conditions would also want to take precautions before taking Gynemax. It’s best that you consult your doctor before taking any of these medications.

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