Why You Should Stop Drinking Diet Soda Today If You Really Want to Get Rid of Love Handles

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Why You Should Stop Drinking Diet Soda Today If You Really Want to Get Rid of Love Handles


If you are drinking diet soda, then it is most probably because you want to reduce weight, and most importantly, to get rid of your love handles. By now, you should be aware that normal soda drinks can cause your body to have too much sugar intake, and therefore, causing your waistline to grow bigger. And sodas are extremely harmful for our health because of the fattening syrups and fructose that cause much damage to our health.

However, you and many other people think that diet soft drinks helps them loose pounds. Some say that such diet drinks has none of the harmful effect of the regular one. Some even consider it healthy.

For these people, we should clarify some things. Diet soda is far from being considered a healthy drink. Actually, there were some studies done that proved that diet soft drinks consumers are even fatter than those who drink regular sodas.

There are many reasons why diet soda is worst then the regular ones.

One of the reasons is the use of synthetic sweeteners. These sweeteners increase the production of a storing hormone that amplifies the need for more sugar right after drinking that diet soda.

Another reason is that peoples who drink diet drinks consider that since they don’t get fatter from sodas, they have the flexibility of eating more food. Therefore they drink diet soda, which in reality makes them fatter. And because of this false belief, they start eating more, which in directly causes them to accumulate more calories.

That being said, if you want to have healthy body, you should avoid consuming sodas even if they’re dietetic or regular except for those situations when you really can’t stay away from them. As long as you don’t drink sodas, you have a good chance of keeping yourself healthy and not get fatter.

You probably wonder if there are any alternatives to the diet sodas.

Probably the best choice you can make is to consume simple water with lemon and also ice teas without any kind of sweeteners. There are a lot of variety of tea that you can choose from. There’s the green tea, the white one or the black one. Drinking tea will increase the antioxidants in your body and therefore, you will be healthier and you will start to lose weight. Of course, if you like your tea to be a little sweet, there are a few natural sweeteners that you can use. One of them is called stevia and it is a very good sweetener.

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