Tag - Time

The ABCs of Business Plan Development – Plan Length, Development Time and Packaging

[ad_1] Business Plan LengthA Comprehensive Business Plan will typically be over 50 pages and can be upwards of 100+ pages. This is highly dependent on the size, scope and sophistication of the business, venture or project....

Website Design Tips – How To Reduce Website Load Time

[ad_1] An important aspect of website design is to reduce web page load time to the lowest possible. A slim trim website design is in some ways like an attractive athletic woman, so let us call...

Time Crystals and Society

[ad_1] The people appointed by governments to look after infectious diseases include highly trained epidemiologists. They have identified the existence of what they refer to as a global 3D epidemic transmitted by the mass manufacture of...

A Pharmacogenomic (PGx) Test Is a Once in a Life Time Taken Test That May Enhance or Save Your Life

[ad_1] What is Pharmacogenomics (PGx)?Pharmacogenomics is the study of how a patient's genetic makeup contributes to a positive therapeutic result and/or adverse reactions to prescribed medications. Using pharmacogenomics, physicians can customize treatment plans that minimize adverse...

Speed Reading Strategies: The 3 Biggest Time Sucking Mistakes

[ad_1] Mistake #1 - Reading word for word - This first inefficient old reading habit usually comes from childhood, when the child is following the text carefully with his finger, word after word.You have to know...