Tag - Tests

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Conducting Drug Tests On Employees – A Basic Guideline For Testing Employees

[ad_1] This is a mini handbook on how to perform drug tests on employees. The information presented in this handbook will be of great help to companies who wish to organize drug-screening programs for its workforce...

Math In Standardized Tests Like The GMAT, GRE, SAT & ACT

[ad_1] INTRODUCTIONWhat is a standardized test?Standardized tests (e.g., SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT etc.) are aptitude tests to assess the proficiency of students for a given course of study. The scores obtained in standardized tests are supposed...

Psychological Pre-Employment Tests Can Leave You Scratching Your Head

[ad_1] Hiring the wrong employee can be an expensive mistake. That's why employers are continually developing ways to weed out job candidates that just don't make the grade. And, because you can't judge a book by...