What Are Some Of The Main Air Pollutants?

What Are Some Of The Main Air Pollutants?


In every state and big city, the concerned authorities should provide the Air Quality Index. Today, this report is so important that even small cities are working on it. According to EPA, there are four primary types of pollutants: Sulphur dioxide, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and ground-level ozone. Let’s get a deeper insight into each type. Read on to find out more.

Ground Level Ozone

Ozone is a type of natural gas found in the stratosphere. This gas helps prevent the harmful UV lights of the Sun from hitting the surface of our planet Earth. This light is quite dangerous for us human beings as well as animals. Prolonged exposure to UV light may even give you cancer.

Also, ground-level ozone, as the name suggests, is found on the ground and may cause you to suffer asthma, cough, and lung problems. This gas may increase due to industry, vehicles, and the burning of fossil fuels.

If you live in the city where there is a lot of traffic, make sure you be aware of this pollutant.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is another type of dangerous gas that Kills a lot of people every year. The source of this cache is vehicles and fossil fuels. Apart from this, wildfires may also increase the level of carbon monoxide in the winter.

Since this gas is colorless and odorless, we cannot tell if there is too much carbon monoxide. So, we suggest that you check the real-time air quality index and make sure the air for breathing does not contain too much carbon monoxide.

Particulate Matter

Another type of pollution source is particulate matter. This thing is quite dangerous as it can get into your lungs and may create a lot of health issues. The size of these particles is between 10mm and 2.5mm. Often, it is abbreviated to PM10.

If you live near a sawmill, you may be more prone to particulate matter. If this matter gets into your bloodstream, you may suffer from a lot of health issues.

Sulfur Dioxide

Typically, the burning of coal or oil can generate sulfur dioxide. This gas may elevate the pollution levels in the air. Apart from this, sulfur dioxide may also generate another one of the most dangerous types of particles called PM2.5.

Here is What You can do When Air Quality is Poor

If you have a poor Air Quality Index in your area, we suggest that you get ready for the worse. You don’t need to move if you have the purple, red, or orange level of the index in your area. However, you should make necessary preparations and only get out of your home when you really need to.

An easy way to stay secure is to install a good air purifier. It is better that you stick to a unit that comes with a HEPA air filter.

In short, this was a description of some of the most common air pollutants. If you want to improve your indoor air quality, we suggest that you invest in a good HEPA based air purifier.



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