The 7 Biggest Secrets to Winning Your Girlfriend Back

The 7 Biggest Secrets to Winning Your Girlfriend Back


You got dumped, right? Hey, it’s all part of the dating game. Even the best of us get knocked off the horse a few times… what really matters is how fast you get back on.

Losing a girl that you’re still in love with is like getting punched in the soul. You ache, you mourn, you do all sorts of desperate things… all in the name of love. Yet what you’re really doing here is shooting yourself in the foot – because when it comes to winning your girlfriend back? It’s only as easy as you make it.

Below you’ll find 7 important secrets that will help put you and your ex girlfriend back together. Why are they secrets? Because if you examine these behaviors and actions, you’ll find that they’re the exact opposite of what most people do after a break up. Translation: very few people know how to walk the correct path.

Accepting and Agreeing With The Breakup

Hands down, your first move is always the same: agreeing with your ex’s decision to break up with you. Why agree? Two reasons, really. First, your ex girlfriend isn’t going to be talked out of breaking up with you right now, no matter what you say or do. Second, because it’s the last thing your girlfriend expects you to do.

By agreeing with her decision to end things, you’re essentially breaking up with her also. You’re rejecting your girlfriend at the same time she’s rejecting you – this will confuse her at first, then bother her later.

“Why is he unhappy? How come he’s not even trying to fight to keep us going?” – As these thoughts rattle around in your girlfriend’s head, she’ll immediately start questioning herself on all different things. Very simply, you’ve just done something extremely important: planted the seeds of doubt in her mind.

Walking Away Like You Just Don’t Care

After getting dumped, it’s time to smile and walk away. No chasing, pleading, calling, stalking, text-messaging, emailing, or tearfully begging your girlfriend to take you back… those things will always KILL your chances of ever winning her over. Instead, your best move is to just walk away as if the break up doesn’t bother you a single bit.

Not only will your ex be puzzled by your lack of concern over what just happened, but she’ll also respect you for not falling to pieces. How could your girl respect you after watching you cry and beg for her not to break up with you? The answer of course, is that she can’t.

Disappearing Totally From Your Ex’s Radar

Not calling or contacting your ex girlfriend is one thing… disappearing completely from her life is another. It’s vital that you remove yourself from anything and everything to do with your ex girlfriend, in order to make her start missing you again.

Dropping out of sight includes no Facebook, no MySpace, no hanging with shared friends, or going to common places you know your ex might be. Your girlfriend should turn around to see where you are and find absolutely nothing there. This will help her imagine the worst: that you’ve moved on with your life without her.

Working ON Yourself… FOR Yourself

You’ll read a lot of breakup advice that tells you to go work out, get buff, look good, and completely wow your ex girlfriend the next time she sees you. And while of this is good advice, it’s equally important that you do these things for the right reasons.

Losing weight, getting tan, buying new clothes… these things are all external. They’re great confidence boosters and they’ll definitely help catch your ex girlfriend’s attention in some very positive ways when it’s time to finally see her again. By all means, do them.

At the same time however, you need to do these things for you, and not just for the sake of winning your girlfriend back. By maintaining a positive state of mind and working toward these goals, you’re building yourself up in some very good mental ways. The confidence, security, motivation and energy provided here will go a long way toward generating charisma – another great thing to have while trying to get your ex to date you again.

Refusing Contact and Not Extending The Break Up

Sometimes a girl will call you after the break up to continue fighting with you. She’s not interested in getting back together, but will still be interested in assigning blame. This isn’t what you want, so you need to avoid it.

By not taking your ex’s calls, emails, or texts, you’re continuing that mysterious silence that will make her so crazy. Right now your ex wants to know that you’re home alone, missing her and waiting desperately by the phone. By NOT being there when that phone rings, you’re actually chipping away at your ex girlfriend’s resolve.

Furthermore, by avoiding all contact? You’re also avoiding the continuation of any fighting or bickering the two of you might’ve engaged in during the break up. Your silence speaks volumes… your maturity level is high… the respect your ex has for you skyrockets, and getting her back becomes a whole lot easier.

Going Out And Having The Time Of Your Life

What’s the best way to make your ex girlfriend jealous? By living your life to the fullest… without her in it.

The sooner you can get back out there, the better off you’ll be. Grab some friends, see some family… you can even start dating another girl if you’re up for it. All of these actions let your ex know that you’re not sitting around waiting for her like a little lost puppy dog. They also send another message: life goes on without you.

When your ex girlfriend sees you having a great time without her, she’s going to be jealous. These were times you used to share – and she imagined herself a big part of your happiness. Now that she sees you can be happy without her? She’ll wonder whether maybe you were a big part of her happiness. Maybe she needs you more than you need her… and this will lead, once again, to your ex questioning the decision to end your relationship.

Knowing Exactly When To Reconnect With Your Ex Girlfriend

So… how long should you wait before calling your ex girlfriend? Great question. But even better than that, what if there were a way to get her to call you?

Re-opening the lines of communication is one of the last steps necessary to getting your ex back. You need to do it at exactly the proper time, and with just the right opening moves. Making one false step at this point could send you all the way back to the beginning, so you need to be extremely careful.

For this reason, you must have a step by step plan. You can’t reverse your breakup simply by picking up the phone and letting the chips fall where they may – you’ll look and sound pretty foolish unless you know exactly what you’re doing.



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