Homeopathic Pills and Bach Flower Remedies As Candidiasis Treatment

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Homeopathic Pills and Bach Flower Remedies As Candidiasis Treatment


Have you heard an issue that homeopathic pills such as belladonna are sugar coated pellets? Well, that is correct. Belladonna are sugar coated pellets. The sugar amount is however minimal and lets be honest, not too many people really do the zero sugar thing. I have found that the trace amounts do not cause much harm. Most people cheat on a daily basis. I do not judge anyone, but know that we are all human.

If homeopathic remedies are of use and valuable to an individuals treatment in other issues, this might be one instance where the sugar won’t hurt. My homeopath said that if we follow the program 70% faithfully, we will have positive results. I have to say that I have done just that and even with homeopathic remedies when my candida was at its worse, I have managed to overcome the worst of it.

As well, bach flower remedies are tinctures in an alcoholic base. Such small traces however that also caused no relapse for me. One can even get them without alcohol, and if alcohol was an issue, the drops can be diluted in hot/ boiling water which in fact destroys the alcoholic content. This is a method that bach flower practitioners use when administering the remedies to recovering alcoholics.

Regardless of what one chooses to do, I personally have found a wealth of knowledge and a new perspective to healing head space issues that often keep us bogged down and clouded. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I have experienced that through the bach flower remedies. And no, I don’t work for the company. I have no vested interest other than passing on a message of something that to me is invaluable in my path to healing.

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