Getting Your SEO Feet Wet In A Local Market

Getting Your SEO Feet Wet In A Local Market


seo works for every Internet company. However, if you want to capture the attention of your local market, you need to approach seo with a different mind-set. The following tips will help you drum up more business on a local level by increasing your rank specifically for that goal.

  1. Get close to where you want to be right on the Internet. Seek out sites and forums in your local area where you can mingle directly with prospects. Learn about local competition and the needs of customers you are targeting. Be a fly on the wall initially. Absorb as much information as you can and customize your website to the target audience. Once you are certain you have what they need, introduce yourself and self-promote.
  2. Take advantage of Google. Google Place allows you to list your company at no cost, and from a local search perspective, nothing could offer you more direct exposure. Google is where the customer will look, and being there increases chances of a sale.
  3. Ask customers to spread news about you. When you interact with satisfied customers, do so in a manner which cultivates a continued relationship. Put them on a mailing list, inform them of future promotions or offer them an exclusive deal. Make it easy for them to give a positive review of your company.
  4. Nothing is more effective at convincing new visitors to become regular visitors and eventually regular customers than positive feedback from other consumers.
  5. Consider other major search engines. Contrary to popular opinion and search habits, there are search engines other than Google, and you should take advantage of their services as well. There is a growing anti-Google population whose needs are being served by the likes of Bing, Yahoo and others. Put yourself out there and be sure to customize your message on each venue to keep your image authentic and not spammed.
  6. Keep domain registration information up to date. You want your local information to include a working phone number and address at all times. Reinforcing your geographical location will keep you active in seo circles and enable local customers to keep finding you. Never let this data fall out of date.
  7. Become a part of your targeted community. Keep an eye out for local events in which you can participate to give your company exposure. Even if your time and efforts are donated, it will be productive. Partner up with local businesses and charities. Consider it in-person seo that you cannot get from the Internet.
  8. Use multiple domains. Most search engines prefer a single listing for a single business. In order to add valuable information to what potential customers find in their searches, add domains and pages that point back to the home business.
  9. Put your business on the local map. Submit your site to as many listing services as you can. Local listing aggregation services use links, reviews, videos, and other data to put together a complete local directory. Make sure you are listed in this directory. The importance of data accuracy cannot be overstated; make sure your information is current and you are just a call or click away from your next customer.

Incorporating the above advice into your seo strategy will increase traffic on your site beginning at the local level. In turn this will raise profits and enable your business to meet goals and power it forward. Specifically targeting the customers and clients you wish to serve brings them right to your doorstep, or website, and puts you on the road to future success.



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