Pyramids: The Upper Merkaba

Pyramids: The Upper Merkaba


Pyramids: The upper Merkaba


For hundreds of years, people were mesmerized by the gigantic architecture of Egypt known as pyramids. Lately, we came to know about recent discoveries about these ancient structures. We learned about its astrological and astronomical perspective, its metaphysical aspects, applied mathematics, connection to earth sciences, religious belief and so on. This is a real awe to see these huge geometric elevations with such a precision.

To relate the above statement with truth, I would refer to the recent unveiling of the fact that the pyramid of Giza is eight-sided. We had a different view a few years back. The solar equinox accidentally proved the slight angular bent of the pyramid’s side faces.

Anyways, I am going to present here another hypothesis which a few learned researchers stated believing about the geometry.


Merkaba does mean a chariot in Hebrew text. Commonly, it depicts the transition or ascension from the body to the spirit with the help of divine light.

“Mer” means light, “Ka” relates to the spirit and “Ba” is the body.

The Merkaba is basically a merged geometric structure of two pyramids.

Definitely, it falls under sacred geometry and it has its own metaphysical aspects.

In the Bible (Ezekiel 1:4-26), it was described as a four-wheeled chariot which was driven by four Cherubim’s with four wings and four faces. These concepts fall under the school of Jewish mysticism. Ezekiel was taken on this chariot alive. These facts or myths were vastly depicted in Maaseh Merkabah. It also has a relation with ancient alien theory as proposed by many researchers.

Recent advancements on Merkaba found a definitive relation with our DNA structure. So, in other words, Merkaba can be the geometric model of the building block of modern mankind.

“Chassidic” philosophy says about the intricate relations of Merkaba with the human kind, its ecosystem and this universe and how to go beyond the physical level.

The point is:

Pyramids are a physical form of Merkaba but only the upper section. We have to consider theoretically about the upside down the structure. It has accurately mimicked the Merkaba described in ancient texts and helps in elevating human consciousness.

Researchers say that when they kept burnt out batteries under a small pyramidal structure cloned accurately form the original one, it gained charge for few minutes. Even a blunt-edged razor got back its sharpness.

Meat, vegetables kept under it doesn’t rot. A surge in astral projections is noticed especially for those who have this kind of faculty. Lucid dreaming becomes easy while sleeping under pyramids.

There are more to it.

In Indian temple architecture, we see a similar structure though highly ornamented with carvings. It rises from a square base up to a point.

The 3D structure of a “Shri Yantra” is highly similar to these temples.

Indian scriptures set a rule for all to visit the temples and sit there in silence for at least 15-20 minutes. This is because the architecture of these temples is made in a way so as to harness cosmic energies and accumulate under the shrine which is more or less 1/3 of the temple height.

Strikingly similar to the Indian temples, pyramids do have the same philosophy and it has been proved (not in the laboratory as we are still far from doing it) that it affects human consciousness.

Merkaba is a visualization which endows power to humans for elevating their “chakra” level or rather the conscious level to a higher dimension.

Why would such a developed culture, where men were powered with mathematics, Astronomy, agriculture, chemistry, medicines and more shall spend their time, effort on building tombs!

The mystery lies in their glyphs and their silent immobile magnificent designs. They codified an unimaginable secret message in this timed structures. We sent spaced probes which cover distances in search of new lives.

They built pyramids which traveled through ages with a message hidden in its high precision geometric structures. Ancient Egyptian structures are still traveling in time to find the right stage of civilization that will decipher the code and bring out a truth for which we may still not be ready.


Well, it’s not that easy to spend few days under a real pyramid (after all it is not a resort) but we can possibly do some experiments with a mimic of a pyramid (say for instance; the pyramid of Khufu) and perform few experiments. We have to keep in mind that a typical pyramid is theoretically a Merkaba.

A practice of meditation and active visualization is the major ingredient of these experiments. For the laboratory, we need to have a pyramid made of cardboard or wood (few people have constructed their roofs in the form of a pyramid).

Conduct a simple mathematics and find out the ratio of the lengths and depths (you can easily find in top-level search engines). Angle will remain the same.

Find out a place to install the homemade pyramid and place it above the ground so that if you sit inside it, your height of the sitting posture should be 1/3 of the pyramid height. (Please do remember that the sarcophagus of the king in the king’s chamber is exactly 1/3 the height of the pyramid)

Meditate and visualize the Merkaba inside you as a glowing geometrical construct. Meditate upon the consciousness, which is you. Let it flow freely.

The results will felt by you only.

Good luck to you all.



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