What Is Audio Acrobat?

What Is Audio Acrobat?


So we all know that the key to operating a small business is organization. We also know how vital marketing is to promote our product and services and how expensive it is to hire outside companies to manage the marketing. The bottom line is that there are a lot of components involved in successful and creative advertising. Audio Acrobat is a product that can effectively help small businesses accomplish their marketing goals and even provide new sources of publicizing that were not previously considered.

Marketing Audio tools

  • Record, upload, and download audio to and from your computer
  • Records phone calls, capturing testimonials by phone
  • Record and play back audio by phone

Marketing Video tools

  • Records video using your computer
  • Uploads videos from your computer

Marketing Web tools

  • Send MP3 audio via email
  • Create podcasts for use with iTunes marketing
  • Create landing pages
  • Post to social media and similar
  • Design an audio or video player
  • Arrange streaming audio playlists

These are only some of the tools available from Audio Acrobat. Now, it’s very easy to just list these and say “go for it”, but I also want to add a more in-depth description of the potential uses within these tools and highlight the importance of their interconnectivity.

Improve Your Website

Just one example of an improvement that can be made to either a pre-existing website or to a new website for your business would be to add an audio/video player designed according to your business needs. With a video player, you can record and play for customers a multitude of things such as: an online commercial spot, a product demonstration, a visual how-to tutorial, or even a tour of your business. With an audio player you can record and play audio testimonials from satisfied customers, create a pod cast to show and link it to your website and/or have a link on your website to your recorded podcast shows. These provide customers with a more interactive and quality experience when visiting your website.

Improve Your Social Media

Social media is a great way to spread the news about your products and/or services to potentially millions of people, so finding ways of improving what and how you post will always be time and effort well spent. Audio Acrobat gives you innovative tools to create landing page links into your social media post that will take your customers from the social media sites to a campaign page that you create, allowing them to see what your business can do for them.

One of the best things to note about Audio Acrobat is that you don’t have to be a tech junkie to use this product. Their website offers comprehensive video tutorials and informational webinars for each of their featured tools and services that will teach you the basics quickly and easily. As with any service you invest in for your business, be sure to do your research before making a decision. Audio Acrobat offers a free trial that permits you to get acquainted with their merchandise and get a good feel for what assistance it can grant to your enterprise, in order to make this decision simple.



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