The Aerangis Orchid

The Aerangis Orchid


Aerangis orchids are found naturally in Africa and Madagascar. They are an epiphytic plant that grows on trees and shrubs. Often found in coffee trees. The name Aerangis come from the Greek words aer meaning air and angos meaning vessel which is in reference to the spurs at the base of the lips which look like shooting stars. There are approximately 50 species and only a few hybrids in the Aerangis genus.

Aerangis orchids have two to three inflorescence’s that reach up to 15 inches long with as many as 25 flowers on each. Flowers last long but do not have a fragrance. Their color varies from pure white to pale yellow with a column of bright scarlet or vermilion.

The Aerangis orchid needs bright but diffused light that is similar to the light requirements of the Phalaenopsis. This orchid grows well on an indoor window sill. You can also grow with artificial orchid lights. 1200 to 2000 foot candles are required. You can accomplish this with a four tube fluorescent light placed approximately six inches from the top of the plant.

Aerangis orchids require temperatures that range from 60 degrees F in the winter to 80 degrees F in the summer.

For best growing results they need at least 50% humidity. In their natural habitat, humidity averages between 70% and 75% for most of the year.

In spring and autumn keep the potting mix moist at all times. During winter and summer water only often enough to keep the potting mix from completely drying out. Plants that are mounted should be sprayed every other day in the summer time. If the weather is hot the plant should be drenched daily. If the plant does not get sufficient water the leaves will fall off and the plant will die. Avoid using cold water as well for the same reason.

Fertilize every week during the growing season with fertilizer at quarter strength.

Aerangis orchids can be grown in pots or hanging baskets. Use a medium or large potting media similar to all other epiphytic orchids use.



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