Tag - digital marketing

Indomitable Digitization: 5 Simple Marks on Advantages of the Digital Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa

[ad_1] Figures show that the digital economy is becoming a large part of the global economy worldwide. In many Sub-Saharan African countries, some aspects of the digital economy have already had a huge impact on the...

Digital Marketing Trends – Targeting the African-American Consumer

[ad_1] Do you plan to market or sell products and services to African-American consumers? If so, in order to successfully market to this community, it is to your advantage to understand certain digital marketing trends:...

What Are the Three-Dimension Digitalization and Rapid Prototype?

[ad_1] With the advancement of technology, the prototype machine is a fast fabrication of physical parts. The active prototype machinery is used in the three-D computer-aided design. It includes numerous production technologies. It is utilizing layer...