Shielded and Unshielded Fire Alarm Cables Facts and Information

Shielded and Unshielded Fire Alarm Cables Facts and Information


It’s not easy for people to appreciate the fire protection materials if they haven’t experienced a real fire accident. Having the proper protection and precautions can prevent the loss of lives during on-set of fire. Hundreds of people die each year due to fire, whether the accident happened in a building, along the roads or even at the forests. The smell of fire is not good unless food is being cooked, but as foreign materials except oxygen enters the nose, they can be deadly. Gases and smoke like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide can cause respiratory diseases and lack of oxygen can cause the death of the living tissues. Setting the smoke aside, even fire accident survivors don’t have any physical injury; they can still suffer from emotional damage and shock from the incident. They may have lost their loved ones or haven’t recovered their important property.

Local buildings must provide the list of fire codes and the specific fire protection equipments needed. Those requirements provide safety for the people in the building. The required fire alarm installed in a building must produce the sound that can reach all parts of the building as it serves as a warning of an impending onset of fire. Fire alarms must be placed at all corners of the building to ensure its efficiency. In that way, people will be alerted wherever the fire may start.

Fire alarms work best with the help of fire alarm cables that connect one alarm from the other. The quality of the cables is ensured as they are designed by professional fire marshals since they know the proper location of the wires during fire accidents. Fire cables undergo quality control and must pass a set of requirements before being advertised in the market. They must be durable to heat as they serve as connectors for the alarms to sound during the existence of fire. The cables must not be disconnected or else the alarm system won’t work. They only show how fire-resistance is very important to fire alarm systems.

Cables must work well especially during the most dangerous part of a fire accident. It happens when building occupants panic and they rush to escape the building being eaten by fire. As the escape happens, stampede may occur that may even aggravate the accident by having people being stepped on and worse, people may die. It would be a good scene if no casualties may result from the fire accident, but usually that’s not the case. Commonly, fire victims have burns of varying degrees and respiratory damages from the smoke that may slow them down. Frustration then accompanies the event as people try to escape and that may lead to total chaos.

Imagine the building is set on-fire and suddenly the lights turned-off during the chaotic escape. The surroundings are covered with smoke and darkness as the fire alarm cables have been destroyed. People may have less chance to escape safely as emergency lights won’t operate and fire alarms are busted. The terrible consequence can be avoided by following the strict codes on fire system cables.

Sadly, some allow people to use substandard fire alarms as they use inferior, less durable and less costly cables that cannot resist fire. Without the cables, fire protection equipment won’t work like sprinklers, lights and alarms and may lead to tragedies.

Sprinklers are vital for fire protection as they can control the spread of fire and extinguish it quickly. Firemen cannot respond instantly as they need to travel to the accident location, so the presence of sprinklers can compensate for the travel time of the fire fighters. Ventilation systems then assist the sprinklers in reducing the damage from fire, and both of them must be linked to durable fire alarm cables.


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