How PBX Replacement Systems and Softphones Can Help Your Business

How PBX Replacement Systems and Softphones Can Help Your Business


VoIP phone systems have opened many doors for business owners. No longer wanting to rely on outdated PSTN lines linked through a PBX system for communication needs, fast moving companies have changed to VoIP. The use of a piece of software called a softphone combined with VoIP has reaped big returns from a relatively small investment on PBX phone replacement systems.

The PBX system has been trusted by businesses for almost half a century. However, with the arrival of VoIP has brought an advancement in business communication and many benefits to those using the technology.

Firm believers in PBX systems for business communication will remain adamant that their device has better call quality and allows greater control over their communication. Yet with the right VoIP phone systems, business users are left with more control than any PBX can offer and sound quality equal to that of PSTN lines.

Affordable replacements to traditional PBX systems

A softphone is software which allows a VoIP user to make calls through an internet connected system such as a computer. The softphone uses an icon with buttons for various necessary functions and appears on a computer screen. The user clicks on the virtual buttons to make VoIP calls or can use hardware such as an IP phone or headset. An IP phone appears almost identical to normal telephone handsets, but uses a USB attachment to a computer to allow callers to communicate over a VoIP connection.

Using VoIP phone systems as a PBX phone replacement system delivers sizeable benefits for users.

A softphone allows free calls between branches, multiple calls and user discretion over who can contact them and at what time and where. Costs incurred through a VoIP phone system amount to much less than traditional PBX.

Softphones are also fully programmable so that VoIP phone systems can be used anytime. Voicemail and fax is sent to a personalised inbox and converted into digital files. Online tools allow personal customisation in real-time and are very user friendly, not requiring any training.

What VoIP and VoIP softphones can do for businesses

The majority of businesses using PBX replacement systems list their most noticeable benefits as lowered costs, time-saving functions and greater usability and control through a more user-friendly interface.

Call costs are drastically reduced because line rental and PSTN calling costs are not accumulated with VoIP. PBX phone replacement systems use high-speed broadband internet to carry voice signals as data, thus not requiring phone lines. Previously VoIP delivered lesser sound quality than PSTN lines, but with the advancement of internet speed, this is no longer a compromise VoIP users need to make.

The interface is incredibly user friendly, allowing those with softphones to change their setup and controls as they please without needing training and saving valuable time. Many VoIP phone systems have system management tools which allow IT managers or an administrator to control user features and functions if required.

For those businesses still reluctant to use a PBX replacement system, the option of a SIP trunking solution is available. A SIP trunking solution involves a PBX system functioning on a hosted VoIP platform. The system is basically Hosted VoIP connected with a PBX.

PBX replacement systems and softphones are a welcome technology for businesses because of the many features and benefits of using hosted VoIP technology. The use of softphones and VoIP are a necessary requirement to any company competing on world class levels that needs to stay at the head of their game.



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