Electric Blue Crayfish Care

Electric Blue Crayfish Care


If you are just getting into blue crayfish, then you might have some questions about electric blue crayfish care. I know that I did when I first got started. So below I’ll give you some tips that will hopefully make caring for your blue guy (or gal) a little easier.

Create a Comfortable Habitat

Crayfish are for the most part, one of the easiest aquatic pets to care for. They don’t need much, but you do want to make them comfortable and ensure they have a long, healthy and comfortable life.

To help keep your little critter safe and cozy, you will need to of course provide him with the right habitat. This obviously is an essential piece of electric blue crayfish care.

Some people will tell you he can just live in a jug with some water or something a little crazy like that. However, if you want to enjoy your blue crayfish and again, keep him healthy, I suggest buying at least a 10 gallon aquarium and creating a habitat that will be comfortable for your crayfish.

Just as a note, be sure to read up on setting up your tank before you put your crayfish (or fish) into the tank. This will include “conditioning” and “cycling” the water; which is the most crucial piece of setting up any fish tank.

Get a Hideout for Your Crayfish

Crayfish like to burrow and hideout. I often find mine picking up rocks and carrying them halfway across the tank to build their little hideout. However, make things a bit easier for them and buy them a hideout from any pet store and/or get some PVC pipe. Simply cut it into small pieces and add it to your aquarium. This will allow for your crayfish to hideout from any other crayfish or fish when they need to.

Additionally, crayfish do need a place to hide out when they moult. This is because they become very soft and vulnerable to other fish and crayfish who will attack them. So providing a hideout is another essential piece of electric blue crayfish care.

Choosing the Right Tank Mates

Okay, just go ahead and understand this, crayfish love to eat fish. So at some point they will catch and eat one or several of your fish. Because of this reason, you want to choose the right tank mates for your crayfish.

The perfect fish for your crayfish to live with will be fish that swim towards the top of the tank and/or fish that are fast. Fish that live or swim near the bottom of the tank or fish that are slow will definitely become crayfish dinner at some point. Having said that, I suggest red tail sharks, hatchet fish, tiger barbs, and danios as tank mates for your electric blue crayfish.

Other crayfish can also make good tank mates depending on the size of the tank. However, crayfish are cannibalistic and will sometimes attack and eat each other. Note, providing proper hideouts and keeping your crayfish fed can cut down on the chances of this happening.

Feeding Your Crayfish

Of course you will discover that your crayfish loves to eat. And eating is of course an extremely important part of electric blue crayfish care. Heck, who doesn’t like to eat.

You will want to feed your critter a sinking wafer everyday unless he eats a fish. If he eats a fish, he’s good… But you will probably want to run out and buy another fish.


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#Electric #Blue #Crayfish #Care

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