Different Types of Broadband Connections

Different Types of Broadband Connections


Broadband internet is relatively a new concept used, in place of dial up connections. Broadband internet is faster and offers a host of advantages in them. The speed is usually faster than a dial up connection, which facilitates in watching many online live shows and movie downloads etc.

There are various types of broadband offered nowadays. ASDL, SDSL, cable, wireless, satellite, LLU etc are some common types.

ASDL is the most common types of broadband used. This is delivered through the already existing BT telephone utilising a special router or modem. This also facilitates in receiving and making calls, with the same single telephone line, even when the internet is on. They use special filters called micro filters to get clear and un-interfering voice calls.

An SDSL is another type of broadband which is more or less similar to an ASDL connection, just that ASDL is faster downloading data and a bit slower uploading data, when compared to an SDSL connection, which acts vice-versa. Also SDSL requires extra telephone line, so as to not interfere in the voice calls. This is more commonly used in businesses that have lots to upload and send.

LLU is another way in which ASDL and SDSL can be provided, without having to use BTs’ exchange systems. Otherwise they are similar to the SDSL and ASDL providers.

Cable is another option, wherein the cable operator provides internet connection. This needs a special modem which is attached to the cable TV box. Another type of broadband connection is the wireless connection. This is more common in the rural areas where ASDL and cable connections are not available. Here, a small antenna is placed outside the house, which gives signals to the computer point placed inside, and this is connected to the computer. A telephone line is not required in this type.

Similarly a satellite connection is also used in places where ASDL or Cable connection is not available. This is usually the last resort, and needs a satellite dish. In a one-way connection, data can be received, but nothing can be sent. In two-way connection, data can be sent and also received from the same connection. The latter is expensive to install apart from having monthly subscription charges as well.

The laptop users mostly opt for the wireless internet connection, because the advantages are more when compared with the other types of connections. This wireless connection helps the user to be online or they can also send and receive data easily and quickly, where this is not possible in the ADSL and SDSL connections. The trend has now changed towards data card. After the arrival of these data card, there is no purpose of using the modem and bunch of wires to connect with the internet. It comes in a plug in format and also it is highly portable for the users to use.



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