5 Reasons You Should Buy Electric Scooters For Your Transportation Needs

5 Reasons You Should Buy Electric Scooters For Your Transportation Needs


The way that we travel could just be changing for the better. The current energy crisis that exists all over the world has convinced many consumers to move away from oil based forms of transportation, betting more on electric than anything else. Using electric modes of transportation such as electric scooters is a great way to reduce emissions, clean up the environment, and save money on maintenance and upkeep. Here are five more reasons why you should buy electric scooters for your transportation needs:

Lowers prices on other forms of transportation and gives more diversity to the environment. No one is saying that we must stop using oil or die in some sort of horrific global meltdown. But the emissions that cars and trucks give off are certainly not good for the environment, and when there is not a good variety to compete with these modes of travel and take some of the heat off Mother Earth, the damage builds up quickly. If more people used power assisted bicycles for daily commuting, that would reduce emissions considerably so that the use you do get out of your car or truck is not so harmful to the ozone.

Gets long life on batteries. Different styles run on a different amount of batteries, but one thing is for certain. As long as you park and charge at the end of every day, you should have plenty of mileage out of your scooter to deal with the normal routes that you travel every day.

Comes in a cool assortment of colors. Two wheeled vehicles are not just for the guys, ladies. If you are concerned about appearing overly masculine as you steer one of these through town, just opt for one of the more feminine tones instead. Pink and black makes for a lovely combination that implies you can take the bike seriously and lend it that much needed touch of femininity.

Absorbs the roughness of the road for a smooth ride guaranteed to please. Dual shock absorption prepares you to set out on the road without having to worry about a bumpy ride. Maneuvering around curbs, riding over speed bumps, and negotiating older highways, are all possible with a surprising amount of smoothness.

Requires no license or registration as these are power assisted bicycles. If you have a vehicle built for on road travel, you always have to have your driver’s license and registration on you. But electric scooters are not all classified as such. In fact, most are considered power assisted bicycles, which means you can just saddle up and go without fear of any repercussions. Of course, you still want to obey traffic laws, and it’s not a bad idea to have some form of documentation on you, perhaps in the storage area of your bike, that proves the vehicle is not designed for on road travel.



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